We all decided that for the two minute we wanted to build up
the match day atmosphere and then introduce Tango into that later on in the
piece. The point of this was to build the foundations for showing what football
matches are like and how passionate people get about them and then show a man
who takes that passion one step further than most other fans.
For the original 2 minute I had wanted to use split screens
and make it a very sharp piece but because of the fact it was pretty much
edited on the day of the screening we didn’t have time for anything like that.
With the re-submitted one we made sure we did this so I put in a split screen
for each section of the film so for the building up part at the beginning, the
crowd warming up once in the ground and then the band playing when the game was
in full swing. For the last part we decided to have a montage of Tango rather
than another split screen. The reason for the split screen was to firstly make
it look more interesting visually and also highlight different aspects of a
football match and help build up the pace of it.

I also don’t think our first two minute film built up the
pace much because it went straight into lots of similar shots with cars and it
had that cheesy England song over the top which I didn’t really liked (and had
expressed this at the beginning). So for this one we put in a few shots at the
beginning of the ground completely empty and then build it up from there. We
kept with the crowd chanting and cheering though at the beginning because we
all thought this would good and quite effective over an empty ground. I decided
that I didn't want any music over the top of this one, except for the band
playing, as it didn't need it because you already have so much noise going on
at a football match with the singing, chanting, shouting, tannoy announcements
and then also the band that it didn't need anything else. To help introduce Tango into the film without actually seeing him I suggested we used some of the interview where he was just talking about Sheffield Wednesday to use alongside the clips at the beginning where the crowds are building. I thought this would be a good thing to do because you're not showing him but you're starting to make the audience aware of this man and how he might be different from the rest of the fans.

I’m not sure if you get a sense of Tango much more than you
did in our first two minute but we all liked the idea of building up the
football mood and feeling on the day and this is definitely a much more
polished edit than our first one if nothing else. I also think that we tried to fill the poetic brief more by concentrating on building up the match atmos instead.
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