Tuesday 23 April 2013

Project update - Final Edit

We have now only got a few days until the deadline and we still don't have a rough cut done. I am quite concerned now that our ten minute project will just be another rushed job like the two minute where clips will just be plonked onto the timeline last minute and that sound or music won't really be considered at all.
Myself and other members of the group have tried our best to go in and try and help the editor by logging footage (which should've been done months ago when we first handed him the first lot of footage) we've also offered to take all the footage so we have it as a back up in case we occur any problems like unforeseen circumstance like hardrive breaking, illness etc but he refuses to give anyone the footage. Today we have had another problem (amongst many) and the editor has lost/left his hardrive cable and said he can't do any of the edit today even though Paul had scheduled in today as a full day of editing, if someone else had the footage then this wouldn't have been such an issue because we could have got on with finding clips we want to use or assembling an intro/ending to add on to the original timeline.
The group is starting to get quite disheartened now which is a shame because we all started out with such enthusiasm and have put a lot of effort into getting the footage by paying to go into the matches to capture footage, I also drove down to Wolverhampton so we could film tango at home and work also requiring the other interviews that we got as well. I think it is really disappointing that we've all worked so hard for our efforts to almost be wasted at the end as with only a few days left I know our edit will not reflect the hard work we've all put in.
I have been very passionate about this project so I hope that I will eventually acquire the footage as me and Paul wanted to do our own version of film during the Summer.

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