Monday 29 April 2013

Ten Minute - Editing

After watching the 'final' ten minute edit and seeing how rushed it was to get to that point me, Paul and Luke all made the decision that we couldn't show it as our final piece at the screening so we decided to all re-edit it together. We maybe should have let our editor know but because of all the problems we had had up until this point we all felt that we didn't have time to get into an argument about it and that he probably wouldn't have come in to sort it out anyway due to work and social commitments that seem to have been taking precedence up until that point.

At this point we were still working on re-editing the two minute so we could resubmit that and I admit that maybe we got a bit too bogged down with that one when we should've given more time to the ten minute as soon as we realised it would need sorting out.
I still think that our re-done ten minute was much better than the original one so I stand by our decision to start again. After he watched it I heard that even the editor agreed it was better than his cut.

Our reasons for changing it were that firstly it had two different titles throughout it, at the beginning it said 'Tango' which is what I said I wanted it to be called all along but then as the title slide came up during the film it said 'Just a fan?' and then at the end it said Tango again. I think this carelessness and lack of attention to detail was the problem with the whole film to be honest and it did not reflect the organisation and effort me and Paul had put in to the filming of this piece. 
Not only that but it made our camera operator and sound person look bad because he used footage that was out of focus, shaky and just generally not very nice visually and this was not necessary because if he had taken the time to watch and log everything (and not get us to do most of it) he would have found usable footage amongst the many clips we had. 
He had also used interview stuff in which we had better interview footage to be used. When me and Paul sat down to do the edit I said that I wanted to look at all the interview stuff we had instead of just using the clips our editor had pulled out because I knew we had better stuff in there somewhere. When we watched it we were surprised to find that he had not used any of the pub scene interview which we felt was the best and just looked more typical of a football fan as he was sat at a pub bench with a pint and I liked this because it looked more natural. I assumed he hadn't used it because there was something wrong with it but when we watched it the things he said were actually a lot clearer and better put than the ones he chose it was also framed better because the lounge scene that was used was not lit very well and Tango was quite slumped in his chair.

As I mentioned before there was also a whole tape load of footage that the editor had not even been interested in using because when Jacob brought me the tape he asked if he wanted it and he said no Hannah wants it which surprised me as there was very good cutaways on it. It was very obvious at this point that he didn't want anything else that would make his job take longer as he was itching to get off. We ended up using  clips from it for the two and ten minute in the end because it had quite a bit of stuff on it.

Paul had told the editor the structure for the film but it followed it very loosely so this was one of the main tasks for us when doing it again. We had decided we wanted it to start off with general info about Tango so we were getting to know him - why he takes his top off etc, then we wanted to go into more negative territory about him getting into trouble, we then wanted it to end on a more positive note about how he is an asset to the club and that he sees himself as nothing special just a passionate fan and not someone who goes out to cause trouble. I think we achieved this much better than before but we didn't really have enough negative stuff and we ended up using a YouTube clip which was a bit long. We also struggled a bit with the Tango interview because we did ask him a lot of things but as much as we reminded him too he would forget to put the question in the answer (and I didn't want to keep stopping him in mid-flow of the interview) also he had a bit of a West Midlands accent and would talk quite mumbly.  

We tried to use the other interviews as a guide because John Hemmingham from the band and Steve Lambarth both talked about Tango as they knew him, the negative press Tango had got and also why Tango was good for the club. We intertwined them with the Tango interviews to help build a story or view of him throughout the film.

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